Developing Unique Abilities for Labour Market Attachment

Skills Training for Employment for adults with multiple barriers to find and maintain a job (17+)


Download the Application for DUAL


All applications can be submitted online via email to: reception@ineoemployment.com or in person at INEO’s main location: 4908 Argyle Street.


This Workforce Development Agreement program is funded by the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training, and is intended to assist unemployed or precariously employed adult workers to build skills and increase employability.

DUAL is an 18-week cohort-based program offered between 2020 and 2021 for six participants who will have the opportunity to do their work experience in our mattress recycling facility Recycle Matters.

Next Cohort Starting: Early January!!

Download the Application for DUAL

Applications for DUAL may be submitted in-person to INEO Employment Services 4908 Argyle Street or via Email: info@ineoemployment.com.  INEO will screen applicants through an interview process and select participants based on eligibility.

Who may be eligible?

  • Individuals  who are legally entitled to work in Canada
  • Between the ages of 17 – 49. Exceptions will be considered for younger/older applicants but you are welcome to apply to STEP-YA, OWLL or AMPED depending on your case.
  • Requiring skills needed for successful integration or re-integration into employment
  • Living in or near the Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District.

Overcoming barriers to employment

What’s the program content like?

18 weeks – (one week in class + 17 weeks of two days in class and three days of work experience)

In-Class (Assessments, Life & Employability Skills, Guest Speakers, Certificate Training, and Employment Coaching). Five days per week – with an average of 30 hours, Mon. – Fri., and one hour per week with an Employment Coach/Job Developer.

The Employment Coach / Job Developer works with participants to connect them with employment opportunities that match their skills and abilities.  The priority is to connect with employers who are willing to hire DUAL participants and may consider a wage-subsidy.

  • Classes are flexible in curriculum to meet the needs of the participants.
  • Certificate Training (PEAK & First Aid) will be provided to the whole group at the end of the in-class portion.
  • A Goal Oriented Action-plan for Labour market attachment (GOAL) is developed during class participation time.
  • Weekly individual appointments are required by all participants, with more time available as needed to complete the GOALs.

Are there any participant allowances available?

  • A training allowance may be available for eligible participants during the in-class activities.
  • Allowances are paid as a training support and considered a taxable income in accordance with Revenue Canada. MERCs will not be paid on allowances and EI will not be deducted.
  • Training Allowance Payments will be administered by INEO’s Financial Admin to offset the cost of attending the program.
  • In-class activities and absences are monitored by a daily attendance record with sign-in both morning and afternoon, and a sum will be deducted for unexcused absences.
  • For IA, PWD and EI recipients: Remember that any source of income as well as any training must be reported, and deductions to your benefits may apply.

Is there a follow-up process?

Follow up Activities include ‘ongoing’ support for individuals who continue to seek employment and/or self-employment.  INEO will provide follow-up services to the end of contract term in 2021. INEO provides all participants with an opportunity for group and/or individual check-ins.