INEO facilitates several workshops to program participants and the general public. Group learning has many benefits because we can share in the knowledge and abilities of those who are learning with us. Embracing cultural diversity and personal differences strengthen our individuality and build community inclusion. INEO believes in personal growth through a combination of individual and group work. Stay tuned for potential online options in the future!
For more information and fees, please call 250.723.4675 or email Terry Deakin.
Workshop Certificate Program
You'll obtain a certificate of attendance for participating in these programs:
1) Creative Vision Board Exercise
Participate in an all-day fun and creative workshop on vision boards. Visualizing what you want is the foundation of goal setting.
2) True Colours
A model for understanding yourself and others based on your personality temperament. Identifying your personality and personalities of others provides you with insights into different motivations, actions, and communication approaches.
CAPS COPES COPS is a good first step and tool in career planning. Receive a booklet with the career clusters and a description of the skills and abilities needed in these jobs. The measurement of interests provided by the COPS (Career Occupational Preference System), when combined with measurement of abilities provided by the CAPS (Career Ability Placement Survey) and measurement of values provided by the COPES (Career Orientation Placement Evaluation Survey) are part of a coordinated system for career exploration and decision making!
4) Stress Indicator Health Planner
Do a self assessment of life style, behaviours, thinking processes and health conditions. Discuss topics and findings after the assessment allows to implement a goal setting tool, so habits can be modified/changed to increase wellness both emotionally and physically.
5) Learning Strategies for Success
Understand the term Multiple Intelligence, how it relates to individual skills and abilities, and how to learn and share information.
6) Peak Retail
Learn or refresh your customer service and sales skills. This interactive training focuses on the communication and people skills required for working with the public.
7) Basic Computer Training L1
Choose the right computer and operating system. Identify extensions or file types and uses. name your folders and files properly to avoid damage. Create shortcuts to easily find your software, apps, and files. Open an email account. Learn how to find information and files.
8) Basic Computer Training L2
Format text and create tables in Word; design your own animated presentation in PowerPoint. Work with tables and graphs in Excel. Get some keyboard tricks and choose the right free app to make your life/job easier.
9) Electronic Job Searching Computer Training
Make the most of your job search on the internet by using the websites that better suit the type of work you want. Learn how to create your profile, sign up for a newsletter (job ads sent to your email), fill out an online application form, and submit your resume and cover letter via email.
Employability Skills Workshops
Certificate available upon request for the following sessions:
1) Selling the Benefits
Practice speaking confidently about your abilities. Examine individual strengths and gain the tools to effectively share them during interviews and while on the job. Gain tools for enhancing motivation.
2) Interview Prep #2
Look at various methods of conduction and interviews. Discuss different types and styles of interviewing. Gain tips on how to prepare for and follow up after an interview. Learn how to conduct yourself during an interview.
3) Discover Your Transferable Skills
Understand what transferable skills are and how to discover which ones you have. Look at the difference between knowledge skills and abilities.
4) Targeted Resumes & References
Understand the difference between a master and a target resume. Provide the skills and tools for creating and preparing your own resume. Brainstorm different ways to find effective references.
5) Cover Letters and Applications
Discuss the purpose of a job application and how to fill it out properly. Understand the reason for a cover letter and how it can help you. Hear about the different kinds of letters that are used in work search. Learn how to create your own personal letter of introduction.
6) Networking
Understand the importance of networking in a job search. Look at how to build a network to support you in searching for employment. Learn about the four Ps of effective networking and how to create a 30-second commercial about you.
7) Budgeting & Problem Solving
Learn about the problem-solving process and apply it. Understand how perception affects our ability to problem solve and practice scenarios. Look at budgeting as a tool to support your financial plan. Brainstorm ways to stretch your dollars.
8) Goal Setting
Review 10 common time management mistakes. Look at seven steps to get organized. Identify the benefits and purpose of goal setting. Discuss what smart goals are and how to make them work for you.
9) Starting Points
Look at the cycle of unemployment. Discuss possible obstacles to finding a job. Determine how we can break down the barriers that stand in the way of successful employment.
10) Labour Market Research
Understand Labour Market and Labour Market Trends. Relate labour market information to our career choice. Explore labour market research techniques.
Other Workshops
Certificate available upon request for the following sessions:
1) Working Together Effectively
Gain an understanding of the roles that individuals play in a team setting. Examine how to clarify group goals and learning what group consensus means and the group decision making process.
2) Self Care 101
Look at the development of strategies to improve personal care and health. Discuss what employers might be looking for in potential employees. Talk about the foundations of health.
3) Best Foot Forward
Boost life skills. Improve workplace assertiveness, time management, and organization while increasing confidence and self esteem. Lead to personal and professional development by understanding the benefits of having a positive attitude.
4) Implicit Career Search
The Implicit Career Search (ICS), developed by Steve Miller, at Life'sWork is a four-day workshop designed to help you decide what you would like the purpose of your work to be and develop your plan from there. Over 95% of participants complete realistic, attainable career plans by the end of the process. The success of ICS Workshop is due, in large part, to clients being encouraged to participate in the workshop at the level that they find to be most effective and enjoyable for them.
Obtain a complete overview of the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System and the exam in a group setting.