Download the Application for STEP-YA
All applications can be submitted online via email to: or in person at INEO’s main location: 4908 Argyle Street.
STEP-YA is a 16-week skills training program provided by INEO Employment Services for young adults who are experiencing barriers to finding sustainable employment in the Alberni Clayoquot Regional District. Young adults aged 16 through 29 years will develop the theoretical, practical, occupational, and essential skills required to find and maintain employment in a variety of labour market sectors. A training allowance is provided to young adults who are committed to successful outcomes through active participation in a combination of classroom training and hands-on work experience leading to additional education or employment.
The STEP-YA Program classroom consists of assessments, Personal Development, Essential Skills, and Life skills. Some of the topics we will be covering
- Learning Styles
- Transferable Skills
- Ability, Values, and Interests
- Communication
- Labour Market Research
- Goal setting and Vision Boards
- Resume, and Cover letters, Interview Skills
- Computer Literacy
- Financial Literacy
- Health and Wellness
- Skills for Success
- Time Management
Certificate Training will be provided. This is an important element of the program. It helps strengthen and expand your professional skill set, improves confidence, increases job opportunities.
Certificate Training provided are as follows.
- First Aid
- Food Safe
- Customer Service
- Rent Smart
- Serving It Right
- Selling It Right

1. Can I be on EI and participate in this program?
Yes. Download the form and apply. Remember that any source of income as well as any training must be reported and deductions to your benefits may apply.
2. Is transportation covered?
The program does pay transportation costs for those who need it to attend. As participants are earning a training allowance, it is expected that they treat the program like a job and therefore budget for transit/gas expenses.
If they are being case managed by the WorkBC program, there is an expectation that the WorkBC will cover the transportation costs, at least for the first few weeks until they individuals have money to spend on transportation.
3. How are the 16-weeks divided?
You’ll be in in class for eight weeks. Your skills training will take four weeks more. Finally, your job experience will cover four weeks.
4. Can someone living in Ucluelet, Tofino, Bamfield, Coombs, Qualicum or Parksville do the program?
Yes. The priority is for youth living within the ACRD. However, you are welcome to apply.
5. Can I be on PWD and participate in this program?
Yes. Just remember to declare your income properly. You can discuss this with your STEP-YA employment coach. Remember that any source of income as well as any training must be reported and deductions to your benefits may apply.
7. Can I be on IA and participate in this program?
Yes. Remember that there is a limit on earnings while being on Income Assistance. Remember that any source of income as well as any training must be reported and deductions to your benefits may apply.
8. What kind of career paths does STEP-YA offer?
Retail sales/customer service, construction/trades, light duty cleaners/home or health care services are among the options.
9. Are people with unique abilities, homeless, overcoming addictions or violence welcome to STEP-YA?
Everyone is welcome!
10. Is the STEP-YA group a big one?
No, we only accept 10 participants per session.
11. Does STEP-YA include First Nations cultural practices?
Absolutely! We’ll have experts/elders supporting the process.
12. Is perfect attendance compulsory for STEP-YA?
Yes! You’ll get your training allowance paid only during the days you attend. The program works like a regular job.
If you have a trip, surgical procedure or another type of appointment already booked, please let us know during the intake session.
13. Is intake like a formal job interview?
No, it’s just a friendly meeting to know what you need to succeed in STEP-YA, if selected.
14. Are there any class rules?
STEP-YA is like having a job. Be respectful, punctual, keep your cell off…
15. Can I take my snacks/lunch with me?
Yes, you’ll have access to a microwave, a fridge, coffee, and water.
Images by Freepik and Giphy
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